The Greatest Salesman in World

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'The Greatest Salesman in World' von OG MANDINO

Inhaltsangabe zu "The Greatest Salesman in World"

The Greatest Salesman in the World is a tiny book, and it is a treasure. First published in 1968, Og Mandino's classic remains an invaluable guide to a philosophy of salesmanship. Mandino's clear, simple writing style supports his purpose: to make the principles of sales known to a wide audience. A parable set in the time just prior to Christianity, The Greatest Salesman in the World weaves mythology with spirituality into a much needed message of inspiration in this culture of self-promotion. Mandino believes that to be a good salesperson, you must believe in yourself and the work you are doing. It is a simple but profound spiritual philosophy about how to succeed in the world's marketplace, easily understood and easy to take to heart. --Jodie Buller

Format:Gebundene Ausgabe
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Golden Rules

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'Golden Rules' von Martin Krengel

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Think and Grow Rich

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'Think and Grow Rich' von Napoleon Hill

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Napoleon Hill, America's most beloved motivational author, devoted 25 years to finding out how the wealthy became that way. After interviewing over 500 of the most affluent men and women of his time, he uncovered the secret to great wealth based on the notion that if we can learn to think like the rich, we can start to behave like them. By understanding and applying the thirteen simple steps that constitute Hill's formula, you can achieve your goals, change your life and join the ranks of the rich and successful.

In this updated edition, Dr. Arthur R. Pell provides examples of men and women who, in recent times, exemplify the principles that Hill promulgated. With the success stories of top achievers such as Bill Gates and Steven Spielberg, he proves that Hill's philosophies are as valid today as they ever were.

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Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'Drive' von Daniel Pink

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Forget everything you thought you knew about how to motivate people - at work, at school, at home. It's wrong. As Daniel H. Pink explains in his new and paradigm-shattering book DRIVE: THE SURPRISING TRUTH ABOUT WHAT MOTIVATES US, the secret to high performance and satisfaction in today's world is the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and our world. Drawing on four decades of scientific research on human motivation, Pink exposes the mismatch between what science knows and what business does - and how that affects every aspect of our lives. He demonstrates that while the old-fashioned carrot-and-stick approach worked successfully in the 20th century, it's precisely the wrong way to motivate people for today's challenges. In DRIVE, he reveals the three elements of true motivation: AUTONOMY - the desire to direct our own lives; MASTERY - the urge to get better and better at something that matters; PURPOSE - the yearning to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves. Along the way, he takes us to companies that are enlisting new approaches to motivation and introduces us to the scientists and entrepreneurs who are pointing a bold way forward. DRIVE is bursting with big ideas - the rare book that will change how you think and transform how you live.

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The Big Five for Life

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'The Big Five for Life' von John Strelecky

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Durch Zufall lernt Joe, ein unzufriedener Angestellter, den charismatischen Geschäftsmann Thomas kennen. Dieser wird zu Joes Mentor und offenbart ihm die Geheimnisse seines Erfolgs. Seine Unternehmen führt Thomas anhand zweier Leitlinien: Jeder Mitarbeiter muss seine Bestimmung sowie seine »Big Five for Life« kennen, also wissen, welche fünf Ziele er im Leben erreichen will. Diese Ideen helfen Joe, seine Wünsche zu verwirklichen. Doch Thomas will möglichst viele an seinem Wissen teilhaben lassen: Seine gesammelten Aufzeichnungen liegen hier vor Ihnen.

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Format:Kindle Edition
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Think And Grow Rich

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'Think And Grow Rich' von Napoleon Hill

Inhaltsangabe zu "Think And Grow Rich"

Napoleon Hill, America's most beloved motivational author, devoted 25 years to finding out how the wealthy became that way. After interviewing over 500 of the most affluent men and women of his time, he uncovered the secret to great wealth based on the notion that if we can learn to think like the rich, we can start to behave like them. By understanding and applying the thirteen simple steps that constitute Hill's formula, you can achieve your goals, change your life and join the ranks of the rich and successful.

In this updated edition, Dr. Arthur R. Pell provides examples of men and women who, in recent times, exemplify the principles that Hill promulgated. With the success stories of top achievers such as Bill Gates and Steven Spielberg, he proves that Hill's philosophies are as valid today as they ever were.

Format:Kindle Edition
Verlag: Ebury Digital
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Getting Things Done

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'Getting Things Done' von David Allen

Inhaltsangabe zu "Getting Things Done"

In today's world, yesterday's methods just don't work. Veteran coach and management consultant David Allen recognizes that time management is useless the minute your schedule is interrupted; setting priorities isn't relevant when your e-mail is down; procrastination solutions won't help if your goals aren't clear. Instead, Allen shares with readers the proven methods he has already introduced in seminars and at top organizations across the country. The key to Getting Things Done? Relaxation.

Allen's premise is simple: our ability to be productive is directly proportional to our ability to relax. Only when our minds are clear and our thoughts are organized can we achieve stress-free productivity. His seamless system teaches us how to identify, track, and-most important-choose the next action on all our tasks, commitments, and projects and thus master all the demands on our time while unleashing our creative potential. The book's stylish, dynamic design makes it easy to follow Allen's tips, examples, and inspiration to achieve what we all seek-energy, focus, and relaxed control.

Verlag: Penguin Books
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Getting Things Done

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'Getting Things Done' von David Allen

Inhaltsangabe zu "Getting Things Done"

In today's world, yesterday's methods just don't work. Veteran coach and management consultant David Allen recognizes that time management is useless the minute your schedule is interrupted; setting priorities isn't relevant when your e-mail is down; procrastination solutions won't help if your goals aren't clear. Instead, Allen shares with readers the proven methods he has already introduced in seminars and at top organizations across the country. The key to Getting Things Done? Relaxation.

Allen's premise is simple: our ability to be productive is directly proportional to our ability to relax. Only when our minds are clear and our thoughts are organized can we achieve stress-free productivity. His seamless system teaches us how to identify, track, and-most important-choose the next action on all our tasks, commitments, and projects and thus master all the demands on our time while unleashing our creative potential. The book's stylish, dynamic design makes it easy to follow Allen's tips, examples, and inspiration to achieve what we all seek-energy, focus, and relaxed control.

Format:Kindle Edition
Verlag: Penguin Books
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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Signature Series

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Signature Series' von Stephen R. Covey

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According to Steven R. Covey, to live with security and wisdom, and to have the power to take advantages of the opportunities that change creates, we need fairness, integrity, honesty and human dignity. Quite a tall order when you consider that most of us live our lives in a permanent state of flux, questioning our ideals and values and fighting a daily battle with the lack of self-confidence that stops us from taking risks of any kind. But, in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Covey manages to make it sound as if changing the way we look at ourselves and the world around us so that we can become more successful both personally and professionally an absolute doddle. He defines the "habits" as "the intersection of knowledge, skill and desire" and states that the "Seven Habits" of the title are not mutually exclusive, but rather when developed together help to form a well-rounded, sensitive, confident and effective human being.

As with many self-help books, much of what you read here is based on basic common sense and can at times be irritatingly obvious. However, what Covey manages to do so successfully is to break down the barriers which prevent all of us from taking a long hard look at ourselves, and then gradually introduces new rules which allow us to move first from dependence to independence and then towards the ultimate goal of interdependence. But of course, the only real way to test the value of The Habits--be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think "win/win", seek first to understand and then to be understood, synergise, sharpen the saw-- is to work on them. This book is as good as any place to start on the road to self-awareness and self-improvement in the workplace and in the home without becoming too irritatingly smug and self-satisfied. --Susan Harrison

Format:Audio CD
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The Education of Millionaires

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'The Education of Millionaires' von Michael Ellsberg

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The Education of Millionaires The myth: If you get into a good college, study hard, and graduate with excellent grades, you will be pretty much set for a successful career. The reality: The biggest thing you won't learn in college is how to succeed professionally. This book is your guide to developing practical success skills in the real world. Full description

Verlag: Penguin
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