City of Heavenly Fire

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'City of Heavenly Fire' von Cassandra Clare
4 von 5 (1 Bewertungen)

Inhaltsangabe zu "City of Heavenly Fire"

Shadowhunters and demons square off for the final showdown in the spellbinding, seductive conclusion to the #1 New York Times bestselling Mortal Instruments series.

Darkness has descended on the Shadowhunter world. Chaos and destruction overwhelm the Nephilim as Clary, Jace, Simon, and their friends band together to fight the greatest evil they have ever faced: Clary’s own brother. Sebastian Morgenstern is on the move, systematically turning Shadowhunter against Shadowhunter. Bearing the Infernal Cup, he transforms Shadowhunters into creatures of nightmare, tearing apart families and lovers as the ranks of his Endarkened army swell. Nothing in this world can defeat Sebastian—but if they journey to the realm of demons, they just might have a chance…

Lives will be lost, love sacrificed, and the whole world will change. Who will survive the explosive sixth and final installment of the Mortal Instruments series?

Format:Kindle Edition
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Rezensionen zu "City of Heavenly Fire"

  1. 4
    20. Jul 2014 

    Nur mal eben die Welt retten

    Wieder einmal sind Clary und Jace entkommen, allerdings ist ihre Welt nicht mehr die Gleiche. Sebastian Morgenstern bedeutet noch immer eine übergroße Gefahr für die Shadowhunter und die, die ihnen nahe stehen. Immer häufiger schickt Sebastian seine Vasallen, um die Festungen der Shadowhunter anzugreifen und die Shadowhunter in etwas zu verwandeln, das schlimmer ist als der Tod. Damit bedroht er alles, was die Shadowhunter ausmacht und auch den Schutz, den sie der Welt bieten. Zunächst bleibt nichts als die Flucht nach Idris.

    In diesem letzten Band der „Mortal Instruments“ Reihe bietet die Autorin noch einmal einiges an Spannung auf. Die Aera der Shadowhunter scheint zu Ende zu gehen und von etwas Schlimmeren abgelöst zu werden. Bang fragt man sich, ob und wie dieses schlimme Schicksal abgewendet werden kann. So sind Clary und Jace zunächst gezwungen, sich den Gegebenheiten zu beugen. Ein Ausweg scheint nicht in Sicht. Wie bei einem Puzzle müssen kleine Hinweise zusammengesetzt werden, um Möglichkeiten aufzuzeigen. Packend liest sich die Auflösung der Geschichte um Clary, Jace und Sebastian, mit dem die Shadowhunter enger verbunden sind als ihnen lieb sein kann. Ineinander verwobene Handlungsstränge, die auch auf die weiteren Bücher der Autorin verweisen, fesseln, lassen es aber auch sinnvoll erscheinen, die Romane komplett gelesen zu haben. Nicht immer eine leichte Aufgabe, denn eine neue Welt, von der zu erzählen sein wird, ist bereits am Entstehen.


Fraud at Snowfields (English Edition)

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'Fraud at Snowfields (English Edition)' von Daniel Klock

Inhaltsangabe zu "Fraud at Snowfields (English Edition)"

B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree: This tells a reader that this book is well worth their time and money!

“As an avid reader, I look for books that have at least two specific qualities: a great plot line, and the ability to pull me into its world. For me, "Fraud at Snowfields" was both of those things and more.” (Reviewer on Amazon)

“Enchanting!” (Reviewer on Amazon)

“Daniel Klock has created a holiday classic, sure to be passed down from one generation to another.” (Reviewer on Amazon)

“This is one book that could easily become a Christmas tradition in every home.” (Reviewer on Amazon)

“The excitement and magic seem to just jump off the pages as you are reading. This is one book that will become a tradition at my home at Christmas!” (Reviewer on Amazon)

“I was immediately transported into the story as I read. Daniel Klock has the rare ability to capture the reader and envelop you in his story.” (Reviewer on Amazon)

“I found myself completely lost in the pages of this book. It took me back to my childhood and the joy and excitement we all feel at Christmas time.” (Reviewer on Amazon)


Bluerorcs! Six, seven, a dozen? He cannot tell because the tiny bright blue explosions of light keep blinding him. Will, running as fast as he can. Flashes of blue, flashes of yellow, brilliant flashes of blue and yellow together like fireworks—Will is as frightened as he has ever been. He keeps running...

Only a short time after a strange nightmare Will again feels like he is caught in a dream—but this time the best dream he has ever had. For Mr Chevalier visits him at his parents' house to invite him to join the White Christmas Organisation—the secret organisation that handles the production and delivery of the Christmas presents and that is headed by Father Christmas himself. Will had always been a firm believer in the magic of Christmas and now he is on his way to be part of it all as he begins his job training at Snowfields. And—while traveling with the amazing cloud-based delivery system—he has no idea what other wonders he is going to see or what he is getting himself into...

For just as he is having the time of his life with his new friends at his new school with amazing subjects as well as hard hands-on training, he is caught up in the biggest conspiracy Snowfields has seen in decades.

Note: The author and publisher provide this e-book without Digital Right Management (DRM) software applied.

Format:Kindle Edition
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The Finisher (Vega Jane Series)

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'The Finisher (Vega Jane Series)' von David Baldacci

Inhaltsangabe zu "The Finisher (Vega Jane Series)"

In The Finisher, bestselling author David Baldacci's first young adult adventure, a young girl is faced with an enormous mystery that could change her world entirely.

Welcome to Wormwood: a place where curiosity is discouraged and no one has ever left.

Until one girl, Vega Jane, discovers a map that suggests a mysterious world beyond the walls. A world with possibilities and creatures beyond her imagining.

But she will be forced to fight for her freedom. And unravelling the truth may cost Vega her life.

Wrapped in magic and mystery, The Finisher is the start of an enthralling series for young adult readers from the Sunday Times bestselling author, as you've never seen him before.

Format:Kindle Edition
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The Finisher (Vega Jane)

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'The Finisher (Vega Jane)' von David Baldacci

Inhaltsangabe zu "The Finisher (Vega Jane)"

Not suitable for children under 11 years of age Welcome to Wormwood: a place where curiosity is discouraged and no one has ever left. Until one girl, Vega Jane, discovers a map that suggests a mysterious world beyond the walls. A world with possibilities and creatures beyond her imagining. But she will be forced to fight for her freedom. And unravelling the truth may cost Vega her life.

Verlag: Pan Macmillan
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