The Fuller Memorandum

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'The Fuller Memorandum' von Charles Stross
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National bestselling author Charles Stross brings back Bob Howard-"a British super spy with a long-term girlfriend, no fashion sense, and an aversion to martinis" (San Francisco Chronicle)

Bob Howard is taking a much needed break from the field to catch up on his filing in The Laundry's archives when a top secret dossier known as The Fuller Memorandum vanishes-along with his boss, who the agency's executives believe stole the file.

Determined to discover exactly what the memorandum contained, Bob runs afoul of Russian agents, ancient demons, and the apostles of a hideous faith, who have plans to raise a very unpleasant undead entity known as the Eater of Souls...

Format:Kindle Edition
Verlag: Ace

Rezensionen zu "The Fuller Memorandum"

  1. Agententhriller, Horrorstory und trotzdem humorvoll

    Man kann gar nicht genug Gutes sagen über die Laundry Files.
    Jeder der auch nur ein vages Interesse an Lovecraft hat sollte zuschlagen! Aber auch Neueinsteiger in den Mythos werden eine witzige, manchmal verstörende und immer spannende Geschichte geliefert bekommen!
